Contemporary oncology is incapable of giving us the answers and the necessary therapy for cancer patients. Thus it is our moral and ethical obligation to try to find the best solutions for the gravest and most painful disease of our time without them. This book is going to come as a shock to many doctors and people. Without a doubt the ideas inside will be resisted, but in the end resistance is useless. When it comes to sodium bicarbonate in medicine it is an open and shut case. It is already in wide use and has been for decades!
In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume bicarbonate ions in drinking water or have been treated clinically with bicarbonate in hospitals, medical centers, or emergency units for the prevention and treatment of clinical acidosis as well as numerous other conditions. Sodium bicarbonate helps to save countless lives every day. It is also found in the corridors of orthodox oncology where it is used to keep the toxic chemotherapy agents from killing people too quickly.
Sodium bicarbonate is the time honored method to 'speed up' the return of the body's bicarbonate levels to normal. Bicarbonate is inorganic, very alkaline and like other mineral type substances supports an extensive list of biological functions. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines because bicarbonate physiology is fundamental to life and health. So helpful and elementary it's even instrumental in helping sperm swim up and enter the cervical canal. Like magnesium chloride administration possibilities are versatile: intravenous, oral, transdermal, and via catheter; it can be vaporized directly into the lungs and be used in enemas and douches.
This article is about the application of the least expensive, safest and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is.
Sodium bicarbonate cancer treatment focuses on delivering natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells while dramatically reducing the brutal side effects and costs experienced with standard chemotherapy treatments. The costs, which are a factor for the majority of people of this particular treatment, are basically zilch. That's the only problem with this treatment - it is too cheap. No one is going to make money from it so no one will promote it. Those that do will be persecuted for it. The trouble with doing new studies on bicarbonate is that they are expensive and no drug company is going to fund a study when they can't profit from the treatment.
For one pound of sodium bicarbonate from one of the best sources (guaranteed aluminum free) is $2.61 plus shipping. At the supermarket you can get it even cheaper. For $2.61 or less one has a nothing-to-lose-everything-to-gain-cancer-treatment. None of us dreamed that sodium bicarbonate is already part of orthodox oncology and is included in many chemotherapy protocols to protect the patient's kidneys, hearts and nervous systems. Now we find out on top of everything else that bicarbonate is also a world class anti-fungicide and could be responsible for the few cures allopathic oncology manages to come up with.
You will also be given lots of fluids (as a drip) and a drug called mesna with your cyclophosphamide to help prevent bladder irritation. Sodium bicarbonate will be given to you - usually as a drip - before and during your methotrexate treatment, to help protect your kidneys.
Oncologists use extremely dangerous poisons and bicarbonate at the same time claiming it is the poisons that are helping when it is the bicarbonate that is doing the heavy work. Worse for them, there are no studies separating the effects of bicarbonate from the toxic chemotherapy agents nor will there ever be. Administration of some forms of chemotherapy without bicarbonate would probably kill patients on the spot.
Most thought it was pretty strange when Dr. Tullio Simoncini showed up on our medical radars. He is the oncologist from Rome who pointed to using bicarbonate as a main line cancer treatment and he was persecuted for it. Yet he has stood firm and continues to travel the world teaching doctors about the anti-cancer properties of sodium bicarbonate.
 Click here to Listen to the interview with Dr Tulley
Sodium bicarbonate is one of the oldest workhorse medicines. So solid is bicarbonate's position in orthodox oncology it would probably be considered malpractice to apply most forms of chemotherapy without it. It is commonly used prior to, during, and after application of chemotherapy.  Some studies actually have already shown how manipulation of tumor pH with sodium bicarbonate enhances chemotherapy again pointing to the possibility that bicarbonate is the main chemo agent saving people from their cancers.
Since the very beginning sodium bicarbonate has been used with the premier chemotherapy agent made from mustard gas. Mechlorethamine also known as chlormethine, mustine, nitrogen mustard and HN2 and sold under the brand name Mustargen was the prototype anticancer chemotherapeutic drug. Use of mechlorethamine gave birth to the field of anticancer chemotherapy. Without baking soda orthodox oncology would never have been able to establish itself for all their patients would probably have died.
These chemo drugs are an analogue of mustard gas and were derived from chemical warfare research. Instructions for its use include: Dilute well with rapidly running IVF flush solution. After infusion is complete, give brisk bolus approx. 200 cc IVF to flush veins. The basic substances used in IVF flushes are sodium thiosulfate and sodium bicarbonate. Without the bicarbonate and thiosulfate buffers patients would quickly succumb to the chemo poisons. It's a picture right out of hell using mustard gas instead of something vastly safer.
Sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride are used to maintain pH and electrolytes within normal values in intensive care units.
We are talking about serious medicine when we talk about sodium bicarbonate. Earlier and more frequent use of sodium bicarbonate is associated with higher early resuscitability rates and with better long-term neurological outcomes in emergency units. Sodium bicarbonate is beneficial during CPR. We are also talking about an exceptionally safe medicine when we talk about bicarbonate. Chemotherapy drugs and corticoids reduce the bone marrow production of cells. In addition, these drugs damage the integrity of the skin tegument, and of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, facilitating the penetration of microorganisms into the host. Bicarbonate does none of this.
Sodium bicarbonate lessens the development of polycystic kidney disease in rats. Chronic administration of 200 mM sodium bicarbonate to rats inhibited cystic enlargement and prevented the subsequent development of interstitial inflammation, chronic fibrosis, and uremia.
On the other hand cancer treatments, including the most commonly used chemotherapy agents as well as the newest biologic and targeted therapy drugs, can harm a patient's heart - sometimes fatally. Cardiologists at The University of Texas found in their review of 29 anticancer agents that there is no class of cancer drug that is free of potential damage to the heart. It is the organ that seems to be most sensitive to toxic effects of anticancer agents. Even the newest targeted therapies, designed to attack only cancer cells, can cause cardiotoxicity.
Bicarbonate ions and water are two of the most natural compounds on Earth.
We do not have to fear bicarbonate intake. And in fact, people who live in areas of the world with high amounts of bicarbonate in their drinking waters have a striking decreased mortality rate and a decreased prevalence of disease. Sodium bicarbonate, though often used as a medicine, is unlike pharmaceutical compounds. It is a natural non-toxic substance that does not require clinical trials for an assessment of toxicity. Spring waters contain bicarbonate ions which are coupled mainly with sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium ions. A deficiency of bicarbonate ions in the body contributes to a range of diseases and medical conditions.