
This not a roadmap to wellness, rather is a guide.

First and foremost click on the image below and discover what
Cancer really is.
When the video ends, click the back arrow on your browser to return.
Cancer, for it to become detectable it took at least five years to develop to a size it became detectable, possibly longer than five years. There is no rush, RELAX!

Next I would remove all of the "silver" amalgams (fillings, that are actually 50 % mercury and lead) from my mouth, and remove all teeth containing a root-canal; why, click here and listen to the recordings found on that page. Failure to remove these teeth could make getting well impossible. Like tring putting out a fire using gasoline.
Once these teeth have been removed I would do Chelation therapy, removal of heavy metals from my body.
I would remove ALL processed sugar from my diet. Cancer feeds on processed sugar. No processed sugar means less food for cancer. One of the best things I could do to help myself is go on a water fast for as long as I can tolerate it, again starving the cancer by depriving it of any food. The body can survive a very long time on water alone, but the cancer can not. Once I return to eating "real food" would consume lots of colorful vegetables with Turmeric, washed down with an Aloe Vera Smoothy.
I would follow the teachings and experience of Dr. Johanna Budwig. Eat organic cottage cheese mixed with flaxseed oil many times during each day. An inexpensive potion that attackers cancer by recharging your internal battery. We are mechanical and electrical beings. The mechanics are your bones whereby your cells (mitochondria) and brain is controlled by electrical charges. If you are ill your internal batteries need a recharge. Recharging your internal batteries will cause your immune system to function more efficiently. A healthy immune system is the key to wellness.    
Heavy metals need to be removed. It is important for wellness to oxygenate your blood. With a major WARNING. If you body has a high load of mercury or lead, oxygenating your blood could actually cause the situation to accelerate. You have mercury fillings in your teeth, root canals, do not go any further. If your mouth is clean, and your body chelated, disease / cancer can not survive in an oxygen rich environment. How to do that? Click here.
If affordable I would use a Hyperbaric chamber to oxygenate the blood, as cancer can not survive in an oxygen rich environment. AGAIN; heed the WARNING above.
Then I need to look to my diet which is very important. Below are nine (9) foods that I would start to consume on a daily basis.
I would Eat ONLY "Real Food" which does NOT contain any preservatives, artificial colors or added sugar. Watch this video below by clicking on it.
Next listen to Dr. Robert Eslinger, D.O., H.M.D speaking on the Ketogenic Diet. Click on Dr. Robert Eslinger's image to launch and listen to his interview. This may or may not work for you. Do your research. Not all people eat and are sustained by the same foods. Eskimos eat mostly fat, would die on the keto diet. A person needs to know your heritage and what your ancestors's ate to sustain themselves. That is what your are supposed to eat. (Try it, you might like it.) Your metabolism expects that type of food and is prepared to utilize that type of food. When your body doesn't get the right food it starts to malfunction, slowly. So slow you don't notice it. You become the proverbial frog in the slowly warming water pot.    
I would do the MMS protocol OR the One Minute Cure. NOT BOTH. I would drink a cold glass of water mixed with a level teaspoon of "Bobs Red Mill Baking Soda" (found at Whole Foods) twice a day to elevate my pH balance. Cancer thrives in a low pH so elevate it. Baking soda is inexpensive and works. Drinking baking soda is best on an empty stomach.
Next I would take "high-doses" of intravenous Vitamin C, ONLY IF I decide NOT to do the MMS protocol because Vitamin C will neutralize the effect of MMS.
I would have the doctor check my Vitamin D level and bring it up to normal, this is extremely important. People with cancer are deficient in their Vitamin D level, so get that level up. People contracting COVID-19 all have low levels of Vitamin D and because of it, those people have a very bad experiance.
I would have the doctor check my Iodine level and bring it up to normal, this is extremely important. People with cancer are deficient in their Iodine level. Use DETOXADINE Call (800) 476-0016 to order some, manufactured by Global Healing Center. I did my research and it is the only brand I found that measured up. 

I would start drinking ESSIAC Tea, click here.
Exercise. Move. If not able to exercise then walk or work in the garden.
Steam baths are very helpful in removing heavy metals from the blood, then shower in cool water. Warm water opens the pours in your skin, absorbing the expelled heavy metals.
This is a work in progress. The nice thing about a holistic approach is many techniques can be used all at once or not. I can try everything at once or only one thing at a time and document my progress.

Wishing you well...
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Disclaimer: Throughout this website, statements are made pertaining to the properties and/or functions of food and/or nutritional products. The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Users assume all responsibility for the application of the content on themselves. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these materials and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information and/or products on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician.

This website, HELPING CANCER VICTIMS, is a FOR PROFIT enterprise. Your support makes it possible for every visitor to recognize there may be an alternative to your well-being. Supporting this mission may save lives. I am trying to spread the truth about cancer, as I see it (non-doctor). Your generous donation will help me to continue this research and expose the truth, as I see it; cancer is not a death sentence, is reversible and or preventable with the right knowledge / information. There is no money available for the prevention of cancer, only for a cure after the fact. If everyone that visits donates one-dollar ($1.00) could save a life by supporting this website, with its alternative view point. What is one life worth? Conventional cancer treatment may cost an individual between $200,000.00 - $1,000,000,00. Most people can afford to pay for the alternatives found on this website that is why (in my opinion) most of these alternative treatments are considered quackery by the FDA and the AMA. Furthermore, none of the remedies discussed herein involve expensive patented pharmaceuticals that have never cured any disease, not one, ever. Come back and visit often, I am just getting started… John Korman (561) 393-0773, please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours.
