Unhealthy lifestyle habits like eating unhealthy foods, physical inactivity, smoking, and drinking alcohol continue to contribute to the high incidence of cancer worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that cancer will account for more than 9.6 million deaths this year. Nearly 70 percent of cancer-related mortality cases happen in low- and middle-income countries since they have limited access to conventional cancer treatments, which tend to be very expensive. Moreover, conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation are often ineffective and can even contribute to the rise of resistant cancer cells that are hard to eliminate. Because of this, more and more researchers are now turning to nature for better remedies against cancer.

One of the natural products that have shown potential use as alternative treatments to cancer https://science.news/2018-12-19-pomegranates-are-a-nutritious-way-to-prevent-cancer.html is the pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit. Countless studies have looked into the anticancer potential of pomegranate. However, it wasn't until recently that researchers from Brazil were able to observe pomegranate's anticancer properties in an in vivo study. Their findings, which were published in the Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, included the potential systemic effects of pomegranate, which were not evaluated in previous in vitro studies.

Pomegranate fruit has long been used as a traditional remedy for health problems http://www.phytojournal.com/vol1Issue5/6.html such as sore throats, coughs, urinary tract infections, digestive disorders, skin disorders, and arthritis. With the current advancements in science, researchers were able to identify the bioactive compounds in the fruit that are potentially involved in these applications. They found that pomegranates are rich in tannins like punicalagin, punicalin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and ellagic acid derivatives. Existing publications also attribute the healing, antimicrobial, chemopreventive, and antitumor effects of pomegranates to these compounds.

In this study, the researchers improved upon previous studies assessing the anticancer properties of pomegranates https://academicjournals.org/journal/JMPR/article-full-text/3FDF64F58791 by conducting an in vivo study involving male Swiss mice that were transplanted with sarcoma tumor cells. The mice were treated with either aqueous pomegranate extracts or 5-fluorouracil, which is a conventional cancer treatment. After eight days, the researchers observed that both treatments significantly increased the number of apoptotic cancer cells. This indicates that pomegranates work against cancer by inducing programmed cell death, which will then signal immune cells to eliminate them without triggering an inflammatory response.

Aside from being effective, cancer treatments http://cancersolutions.news/ should also be safe for healthy cells in the body. To determine if the treatments used in the study have unwanted toxic effects, the researchers conducted hematological, biochemical, histopathological, and morphological analyses of the tumor and organs. They found that mice treated with 5-fluorouracil suffered from a loss in body weight, spleen atrophy, and a reduced number of white blood cells, which indicate toxic effects. On the contrary, pomegranate-treated mice did not exhibit any signs of toxicity, proving that it is safe for use.

Overall, this study proves that pomegranate extracts are effective against cancer and are much safer than conventional treatments. (Related: Pomegranates are some of the best foods you can eat to prevent cancer https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-11-16-pomegranates-are-some-of-the-best-foods-you-can-eat-to-prevent-cancer.html

Other health benefits of pomegranates
If you're still not convinced that you should eat pomegranates, here are some other health benefits https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/best-benefits-of-pomegranate-juice-for-skin-hair-and-health/ that you can enjoy from eating this superfood.
        Improving heart health - Pomegranates enhance blood flow throughout the body by reducing inflammation of blood vessels and preventing the formation of cholesterol blocks that can hinder the passage of blood.
·        Boosting immune functions - The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of pomegranates work great against pathogens that attack your immune system. Studies have shown that among all fruits with antimicrobial properties, pomegranates are the best in preventing HIV transmission.
·        Promoting wound healing - The different nutrients found in pomegranates encourage the regeneration of cells involved in wounds to speed up the healing process. Moreover, it is also effective in protecting the skin from damage caused by sun exposure.
For more articles about natural products with anticancer properties, visit Anticancer.news http://anticancer.news/.
Pomegranate extracts found to fight cancer at EVERY turn

It's often said that natural foods with the deepest and most vibrant colors are the most nutritious, and it's easy to think of good examples. From the emerald green leaves of spinach to the cheerful tone of yellow peppers and deep purple of blueberries, the rule serves us well in identifying superfoods. However, it's the often-overlooked pomegranate, with its deep red-purple shade, that is one of the healthiest fruits of all, and it's been getting a lot of attention lately for one benefit in particular: its ability to fight cancer.

As the CDC predicts that new cancer cases are set to rise by 24 percent among men and 21 percent among women, it has never been more pressing to take a closer look at the potential of gifts from nature like pomegranate to help fight the disease. After all, current treatments like chemotherapy and radiation aren't exactly a roaring success.
What is so remarkable about the way that pomegranate fights cancer https://www.naturalhealth365.com/pomegranate-cancer-cells-2628.html is its multi-pronged approach. Although it's very helpful to consume foods that are antioxidants or have anti-inflammatory properties, pomegranate has all the bases covered and seems to have a trick up its sleeve for every eventuality.

First of all, pomegranate extract http://science.naturalnews.com/pomegranate.html fights cancer by protecting against the DNA mutations that lead to cancer. It releases a protective enzyme known as paraoxonase-1 that blocks inflammation and oxidative stress that can later contribute to these DNA mutations.
Should a DNA mutation occur anyway, pomegranate actually enacts a back-up plan. It interferes with the replication of cancer cells, causes mutated cells to die, and stops the growth of the blood vessels that tumors rely on for sustenance. When malignant masses develop, the extract can stop them from invading local tissues and metastasizing in other parts of the body. At the same time, it also fights the inflammation that promotes cancer.

Impressive research findings back pomegranate's cancer-fighting power
Studies on animals have shown that extract of pomegranate can reduce the number of lung cancer tumors by up to two thirds. In one study, the researchers noted that cell proliferation, invasion and migration were all inhibited thanks to the extract. Their findings prompted them to label pomegranate as an "effective and safe chemotherapeutic agent."
In a double-blind, randomized study, researchers discovered that the extract of pomegranate slowed the growth of tumors in prostate cancer patients, while many also saw markers for cancer progression drop.
Meanwhile, a study that was published in Clinical Cancer Research found that the juice slowed the PSA doubling rate - a measurement of how quickly cancer is progressing - significantly, going from 54 months to 15 months. A different study found that the extract of the peel and seed of the fruit inhibited breast cancer cell growth by more than 80 percent.

Start eating more pomegranates today for better health
If this news has you headed out to the market to look for some pomegranates, keep in mind that those that feel heavier for their size tend to have the most juice. The fruits seeds https://naturalpedia.com/pomegranate-seeds-sources-health-benefits-nutrients-uses-and-constituents-at-naturalpedia-com.html, which are also known as arils, are full of nutrients like zinc, calcium, puninic acid, and selenium. You can eat them raw, which is the best way to get their health benefits, or you can juice them.
Although the fruit is usually on the sweet side, some people aren't fond of its flavor. If you don't enjoy eating them on their own, consider adding pomegranate seeds to your salad or yogurt for a significant nutrition boost.
