Are you Acidic or Alkaline? Knowing is a measurement of your overall health.
Dr. Bob Beck, D.Sc.
Essiac Tea purports to attack cancer stem cells.
Hoxsey, the quack who cured cancer.
The Rick Simpson Story
One Minute Cure
Black Salve
Vitamin B17

Dr Max Gerson
Aubrey Keith Brewer Ph.D


Hydrazine Sulfate

Eggplant Cancer Cure

FenBen Cancer Cure

Alpha Lipoic Acid
One Answer
 to Cancer
"There is no such thing as "alternative medicine" either it works, in which case it is medicine, or it doesn't, in which case it isn't"
-Nick Jeffery
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This website, HELPING CANCER VICTIMS, is a FOR PROFIT enterprise. Your support makes it possible for every visitor to recognize there may be an alternative to your well-being. Supporting this mission may save lives. I am trying to spread the truth about cancer, as I see it (non-doctor). Your generous donation will help me to continue this research and expose the truth, as I see it; cancer is not a death sentence, is reversible and or preventable with the right knowledge / information. There is no money available for the prevention of cancer, only for a cure after the fact. If everyone that visits donates one-dollar ($1.00) could save a life by supporting this website, with its alternative view point. What is one life worth? Conventional cancer treatment may cost an individual between $200,000.00 - $1,000,000.00. Most people can afford to pay for the alternatives found on this website that is why (in my opinion) most of these alternative treatments are considered quackery by the FDA and the AMA. Furthermore, none of the remedies discussed herein involve expensive patented pharmaceuticals that have never cured any disease, not one, ever (not to the best of my knowledge). Come back and visit often, I am just getting started. Enjoy the read. You are about to learn what might be life saving information... John Korman (561) 393-0773.