"There is no such thing as "alternative medicine" either it works, in which case it is medicine, or it doesn't, in which case it isn't"
-Nick Jeffery
Knowledge is the key to stopping this cancer pandemic!
Lower your cancer risk to zero, click on the image below to find out how.
About twenty (20) years ago I lost my mother to cancer.
If I knew then, what is contained within this web-site, she might still be with us.
The information found herein may help a cancer victim regain their health.
At least that is my goal.
Over the past one-hundred (100) years there have been some very promising cures for cancer, however the medical establishment in order to protect their income have discredited each and everyone of them, in my opinion. See menu items above.
Consider the following, the FDA has never approved a drug for cancer that was not patented, marketed or produced by a major pharmaceutical company. Today the trend is towards more expensive cancer therapies with some costing up to $50,000 per patient per year.
This web-site contains many inexpensive and highly effective therapies, documented herein for educational purposes only. None are approved by the FDA.
Hope you find what you're looking for.
I firmly believe, through 15 years of study, have just discovered the root cause of most disease. Not knowing the root cause of a disease makes reversing that disease all but impossible. Yes, you can mask a symptom of a disease with a pharmaceutical however, the root (cause) will continue to flourish elsewhere in the body and may transform itself into an additional issue. However, knowing the root cause means you can stop its progression and possibly change the future of your healthcare.
What I now believe to be the true source of disease, in general, I discovered from watching the two following videos. I also firmly believe that the previous 100 years has brought forth many innovations that has much promise as a remedy for cancer, however, because of money, the powers to be made sure those remedies never made it to market. However, Cancer is a symptom of dis-ease in the body, cancer is not the "root of the problem"; which you are about to discover for yourself.
Click on images below to launch each video
to discover the major source of most disease today
"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates
If the food you eat is adulterated it is slowly poisoning you.
Cancer is NOT a death sentence rather
should be viewed as a wake-up call.
Cancer is the body's way of saving your life.
Now it is up to you to save your life,
by making some changes in your life, before it is too late.
Wellness is a natural state,
whereby illness is an option.
Cancer was at one time a rare event. Today one out of three persons will contract cancer. Cancer is an illness that is far easier to prevent than it is to treat. Products on this web-site may be used as a preventive measure and as a method to reverse a diagnosis.
Medical Science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left - Aldous Huxley 1958
Once you get a handle on what might be the source of your illness, (besides not eating clean unadulterated food) changing that source will reverse the illness. Below you will find an array of things that could be another reason for your illness. Do explore, educate yourself. There is but one person that can heal you. That person is you! There is something you are doing which is causing your cancer. Discover what that is, change it going forward and the cancer will regress.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website is based upon research conducted by the Web-Master, unless otherwise noted. This information is to be used for educational purposes only. I (Web-Master a medical researcher for over fifteen (15) years now) is not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treatment and the information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified health care professional. Therefore, the reader (you) should be made aware that this information is not intended as medical advice by a person (Web-Master) who is not a medical doctor, but rather a medical researcher, sharing knowledge and information from personal experience. This Web-Master does encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research in partnership with a qualified health care professional. You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything based on what you read hereinafter.
Why we get cancer is, in part, because we inadvertently chose to through ignorance, misinformation, environment, life-style, or by lamenting negative thoughts (loss of a spouse, loss of a child, loss of a long held job etc.) A very small percentage of cancer is actually caused because of inherited genes.
Cancer does not just appear over night, takes literally five to seven (5 to 7) years to develop before becoming detectable to a doctor. Unless the person has a fast growing type of cancer, or the tumor is interfering with a vital organ most people have time to research a treatment that suits them.
Being rushed into a decision (chemotherapy, radiation or surgery) can be a fatal error. Take a little time to decide on your next step. It is a known fact that people who receive an early diagnosis and treatment do not live longer than someone who does nothing.
The intention of this site is to research and discover a credible remedy for cancer. When I first started to look discovered a treasure trove of suppressed remedies. This research took literally thousands of hours once I got started.
What I discovered not only shocked me, but outraged me as well: There are non-toxic, effective, natural treatments for cancer systematically suppressed, all the while cancer patients are dying due to lack of vital knowledge. What you will find herein are many remedies that are affordable and self administered.
How many times have we heard television commercials that imply the pharmaceutical companies are working very hard to find a cure for cancer? Yet, you will discover in the following pages that many successful treatments for cancer have already been developed. They just don't get publicity since they are labeled "alternative," when in reality should be labeled main-stream whereby man-made synthetic pharmaceuticals should be considered "alternative."
To put it briefly, the cancer treatments that have been relegated to the alternative world have generally involved natural forms of treatment which can not be patented or otherwise controlled by the big multi-billion-dollar cancer industry. This huge industry is run by powerful pharmaceutical companies and even bigger corporate cartels. Its profits are threatened by any natural treatment that can't be patented or controlled by big business for profit.
The truth be known there are many highly successful cancer treatments developed over the past century that should be incorporated into main-stream medicine. Most of these treatments were developed and pioneered by intelligent, highly respectable people in their field or scientists, not quacks or con artists.
The best of the alternative, non-toxic treatments for cancer have a higher success rate than conventional treatments, and these success rates reflect real cures, not phony redefined cures.
The word "Cure" is defined by the Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association to mean [paraphrasing] that after diagnosis of cancer, the patient lives for five years. However, is it really a cure if the patient dies a month and five years later? Yes, it is statistically a cured patient that died of cancer.
If and when the Web-Master uses the word "cure" means "spontaneous remission" (doctors can not explain why the disease is no longer active). If you have an open mind and believe what your eyes and brain are telling you [anecdotal evidence], then the following pages contain many successful cancer treatments that have been suppressed to one degree or another, and many misconceptions about alternative cancer treatments have flourished as a result.
Simple observation and trusting one's own judgment is truth.
Simple observation that is repeatable is science.
If you are interested in learning the process that causes cancer in your body and one doctor's method to reverse this disease, the following video is the best explanation I have ever seen / heard on this subject. Click HERE to hear Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez explain the mechanism that causes cancer and the hundred year old remedy that is curing the incurable. [The video is a little slow in the beginning; however I can assure you if you watch it all the way through you will know more about cancer than most doctors.]
From the early days when the Wright brothers first flew an aircraft a few hundred feet, today we have super-sonic jets and landed humans on the moon.
From the early days of the telegraph machine, clicking out morris-code across wires from coast to coast, today we have cell-phones in our pocket that connect us to the world.
However, the billions spent on cancer research is no closer to a cure today than it was when President Richard Nixon declared war on cancer. Done by design, in my opinion.
Most people are not aware that President Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with three deadly forms of cancer which was cured [quietly] using, in part, oxygen therapy which costs pennies a day, relatively speaking. He was cured without hair loss, without being nauseous and without being disfigured due to surgery. This should have been front page news, however this news threatened the cancer establishment so it was kept quiet. He lived another 19 years and passed at the age of 93.
"You cannot poison your body into health with drugs, chemo or radiation. The holistic approach treats the whole animal, ignites the body's internal healing force and stimulates the body's natural abilities to heal itself. Health can only be achieved with healthful living" T.C.Fry
You'all need to watch the following short videos, "Preventing and Reversing Cancer Naturally" Click on (part 1 of 4) - (part 2 of 4) - (part 3 of 4) - (part 4 of 4). These short videos will prove to you that the path to healing is in learning what to do to help yourself. A person that has cancer has the ability to reverse the disease provided with the proper information.
Another widely held misconception about alternative cancer approaches is that, if they really worked better than the current conventional approaches, doctors and clinics everywhere would be using them.
This misconception is at the heart of what could be called the "disbelief factor." The disbelief factor is a dynamic that occurs in people's minds when they say, "If there really are natural, non-toxic treatments for cancer that can bring about real, long-term cures, even in cases of late-stage metastasized cancers, then why aren't all doctors using these treatments?"
Finding it hard to understand why all doctors are not using the most effective and least toxic treatments for cancer is not the problem. The real problem arises when a cancer victim finds this so hard to believe that he or she simply can't accept the possibility that there could be alternative approaches out there that really work.
When they are told there are real cures, often the cancer victim does not listen at all because it is just too preposterous to believe. This is the disbelief factor at work.
For those victims with cancer who let the disbelief factor win, it is a tragic situation. Their disbelief keeps them from doing any further research on their own. They trust their doctors, not knowing that their doctors have only been taught the mainstream treatments and usually know nothing of the alternative ones.
What these victims don't realize is that most doctors are just people who also have a hard time believing in alternative treatments, and who ask, "If these treatments really work, why wasn't I taught them in medical school?"
Patients do not realize that, even if their doctor did think an alternative treatment for cancer would help them, in these United States that doctor is not legally allowed to prescribe or even recommend anything other than the big three, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
That is why cancer patients who are doing alternative treatments will so often hear from their conventional doctor monitoring them, "Just keep doing whatever it is you are doing!"
The oncologist often does not even want to know what the patient is doing that is working for them because even if they know what the patient is doing that is working for them the oncologist can't prescribe it anyway, nor profit from it.
Unfortunately, the legal straightjacket that conventional oncologists are in only contributes to the prevalence of the disbelief factor. The fact that the disbelief factor is alive and well is a basic truth of the cancer reality today.
As you can see, the politics of cancer treatment in modern countries such as the United States put cancer patients at a disadvantage. The almost total separation between conventional and alternative therapies requires a patient to do their own homework if they are to make a fully informed decision about their treatment.
The good news, however, is that there are excellent alternative approaches available for those with an open mind.
This Web-Master has researched everything contained herein and has compiled this information to enhance and conserve time for the reader. Unfortunately, contained herein is less than half of the content researched and known. As time goes on this site will grow, but there are only so many hours in a day. Until this project becomes more economically feasible it will progress as time allows.
If there is a cure for cancer would you want to know about it? If there is a way to avoid getting cancer would you want to know about it? If your answer is yes to either question, this website may hold the answer.
This website has the intention of guiding you to a greater well being. Although this website deals with the subject of cancer as a primary focus, its contents can be applied to most degenerative diseases, as you will discover.
Cancer develops due to a autoimmune-deficiency caused by the food we consume, the air we breathe, our toxic environment or mental state of mind.
Things we have the power to change.
This web-site is going to introduce you'all to a handful of regular lay-people (non-medical-doctors or scientists) and the odd M.D., who made tens-of-thousands of people suffering from cancer well again . In many cases these people (patients) were told to go home and settle their affairs, there was nothing more the medical establishment could do for them.
Everyone that visits this site needs to listen to the following recording by Jon Barron, "Cancer, The Big Lie" it may put things in their proper perspective.
It should be clearly understood that the information you are about to learn is being deliberately kept from the general public by the people that control the pharmaceutical industry for the sole purpose of profiting from death and suffering, in the Web-Master's opinion (a non-doctor); because how to reverse the manifestation of cancer has long been known. I know this statement may sound like harsh criticism, but after you read the information contained in this website, I think you will agree.
It is highly recommended that you copy this information and spread it far and wide. Everyone needs to know. This website should be required reading for everyone who has cancer, or wants to prevent getting cancer.
Doctors and people alike have been attacked, discredited and even jailed for attempting to bring this information out. Borrowing the immortal words of Martin Luther King; "There comes a time when one must take a position that's neither safe, nor political, nor popular. But he must take that position because his conscience tells him that it's right."
Please note that many of the words and videos are copied from original sources. This is not an attempt to plagiarize. This is done simply to maintain the accuracy of the information provided.
After you read and learn of these therapies you will come to understand that there really is a known remedy for most cancers and remission of these cancers is really quite simple. May not be easy, but is simple and affordable. However, I do not believe there is one remedy for everyone that will work all the time. There is no magic bullet. However, these so called alternative treatments can be combined without experiencing fatal side-effects. For example, proper nutrition by eating real food combined with natural herbs combined with juicing, may result in the loss of some weight and a greater sense of wellness as a side-effect.
Understand, through your own research on the World Wide Web will find many so called cures for cancer, I however bring to you what I perceive as affordable treatments. For example, STANISLAW BURZYNSKI, founder of the BURZYNSKI CLINIC in Texas, unless you have deep pockets his treatment is out of reach for most of us. That said he has been very successful in treating cancer using a proprietary formula he calls "antineoplastons" formulated by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski in the 1970s. In light of his success has been persecuted and prosecuted more than once, found not guilty each time, costing him / BURZYNSKI CLINIC millions in legal fees. A cost he must pass on to his patients. If you have deep pockets and (G-D forbid) brain cancer, (the most difficult cancer to deal with) BURZYNSKI is the man to see, or alternatively use cannabis oil, in this Web-Master's opinion. Please watch THIS SHORT VIDEO CLIP; but I digress.
Cancer, in relevant part, is an immune-deficiency disease much like scurvy or pellagra, aggravated by the lack of essential food compounds not found in today's modern diet. Any and all remedies not recognized by orthodox medicine as "safe and effective," the FDA, AMA, and The American Cancer Society will labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the anecdotal evidence is clear and convincing, much like the anecdotal evidence that cured scurvy and pellagra.
This following example (and there are many similar examples) where a Scottish surgeon in the Royal Navy, James Lind, was the first to prove scurvy could be treated with citrus fruit in a 1753 publication. His experiments represented the first controlled trial. It took another 40 years before the British Navy began giving out lemon juice routinely. So why is orthodox medicine, the FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society waging war against a non-drug approach? That answer is found not in science, but in politics and is based upon the hidden economic and power agenda of those who dominate the medical establishment. With billions of dollars spent each year on research, with other billions taken in on the sale of cancer-related drugs, and with fund raising at an all-time high, there are now more people making a living from cancer than dying from it. If the solution could be found in a simple vitamin, like "high doses" of vitamin "C" or by consuming vegetables and by adding citrus to a diet, this gigantic cancer industry could be wiped out overnight. After studying this web-site you may actually come to the conclusion that high-doses of vitamin C and the consumption of lots of fruits and vegetables may cause certain types of cancer to go into remission. The food you eat to fuel your body maybe causing the cancer, change the fuel and the cancer may go into remission. The politics of cancer therapy is more complicated than the science. The science has been subverted to protect entrenched commercial interests.
The pharmaceutical industry, with the help of the Food and Drug Administration is hindering our civilization for the sole purpose of profiting from death and suffering [don't believe me, CLICK HERE]. The business of cancer (or disease in general) is a huge multi trillion dollar business. There is no money in prevention. The real money is in finding a cure, which is impossible, because there can not be a cure for something which is as natural as breathing air. Cancer, or at least the manifestation of cancer exists in every person alive. Our body produces thousands of (potential) cancer cells daily; however our immune system attacks these cells and keeps them in check. It is when our immune system becomes compromised allowing the cancer to grow uncontrollably causes a lump, or bump. This lump or bump is not the underlying cause of the cancer itself; it is a manifestation of the cancer. Removal of the lump or the bump does not remove the cancer from our body, only removes the manifestation (what is observed). This manifestation is our body's early warning signal notifying us that there is a serious underlying problem that is developing and either deal with it here and now, or you are going to perish. The "cure" for cancer lies with your immune system. A healthy immune system will keep you well and prevent cancer from developing. Nothing else will work as effectavly.
Choosing a therapy is confusing, paralyzing, anguishing, sometimes enraging. Doctors are resistant to the many alternative therapies. They seem to have a definite and sincere point of view and they know little or nothing about other therapies. If a cancer cure were discovered outside the formal medical institution, would these doctors ever know about it? Would it ever reach the general public? There are scores of alternative cancer clinics around the world with proven very high success rates. Yet most of these treatments have been banned in the USA and Canada or driven out of the country without any scientific investigation, why? Dissident practitioners say it has to do with medical politics, that their professional medical point of view is being deliberately suppressed. There is a disturbingly similar pattern that actually does run through most of their stories. On the other hand, Doctors are not allowed to think for themselves, or they risk losing their medical license. Many such examples appear within these pages.
Medical authorities will claim that the remedies for cancer found in this website is a hoax and or is quackery, outlawed these successful therapies in the USA without a scientific investigation. If a scientific investigation concluded that these remedies for cancer found in this website had a success rate of five-percent (5%) or less, would you consider such a therapy for yourself? Found HERE is a therapy your doctor is required to recommend for cancer patients, approved by the FDA, with an overall average success rate of less than five-percent (5%).
It should be noted that the medical community considers any therapy with a success rate of less than thirty (30%) to be as effective as a placebo (useless). I shouldn't say useless. If the mind believes the placebo is the answer, then it works, thirty (30%) of the time. The mind is an extraordinary computer like organism that has the power to heal through faith.
Our stomach, the gut, is considered to be your second brain, controls your bodily functions, your power plant. Gum it up, and the machine fails, illness sets in. The municipal water supplied to our homes is fluoridated (a known carcinogen) and/or contains chlorine. Chlorine is a highly efficient disinfectant, and is added to public water supplies to kill disease-causing pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoans, that commonly grow in water supply reservoirs, on the walls of water mains and in storage tanks to kill harmful bacteria. Consuming chlorinated water has the unintended consequence of killing the good gut bacteria needed to properly digest food, resulting in a large segment of the population developing "GERD" which may eventually cause a number of ailments, which includes cancer.
This website in no way, is intended to discredit doctors, medical practitioners and institutions that have genuinely good intentions of helping to heal people and eradicate disease. This Web-Master is simply pointing to an ineffective medical system that is focused on illness rather than wellness, that promotes expensive (i.e., profit-driven), invasive and potentially dangerous (or even deadly) medical procedures, drugs or treatments rather than simple, natural, inexpensive, effective treatments or therapies that have no side effects.
There's a Chinese proverb which says:
The superior doctor prevents illness.
The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness.
The inferior doctor treats actual illness.
Medical Errors: is the Third Leading Cause of Death, behind heart failure and cancer. In 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield published a study revealing that doctors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., killing an estimated 225,000 patients each year (by and through properly prescribed medicine taken as directed). According to a new study, medical errors ("iatrogenic causes" (doctor's mistakes)) kill an estimated 378,000 Americans each year, confirming that modern medicine is still the third leading cause of death in America. Health care in America is the cause of death for over 600,000 Americans yearly.
From simple inexpensive remedies found within this web-site, with no life threatening side effects, conversely medical intervention which kill over 600,000 patients a year, something is wrong; you'all know what the definition of insanity is, yes? Killing 600,000 patients a year, every year from errors is insane, when there may be a safer cheaper alternative.

This website, HELPING CANCER VICTIMS, is NOT a 501(c)(3) enterprise. Your support makes it possible for every visitor to recognize there may be an alternative to your well-being. Supporting this mission may save lives. I am trying to spread the truth about cancer, as I see it (non-doctor). Your generous donation will help me to continue this research and expose the truth, as I see it; cancer is not a death sentence, is reversible and or preventable with the right knowledge / information. There is no money available for the prevention of cancer, only for a cure after the fact. If everyone that visits donates one-dollar ($1.00) could save a life by supporting this website, with its alternative view point. What is one life worth? Conventional cancer treatment may cost an individual between $200,000.00 - $1,000,000.00. Most people can afford to pay for the alternatives found on this website that is why (in my opinion) most of these alternative treatments are considered quackery by the FDA and the AMA. Furthermore, none of the remedies discussed herein involve expensive patented pharmaceuticals that have never cured any disease, not one, ever (not to the best of my knowledge). Come back and visit often, I am just getting started. Enjoy the read. You are about to learn what might be life saving information... John Korman (561) 393-0773, please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours.